Monday, May 15, 2017

I know that it´s really possible to do all things. It´s been a strong testimony to know that through each trial we become stronger. I heard the story of a small boy who was commanded by his father to push a rock all day and all night for all of his life. He spent his time trying and trying but it didn´t budge. After 18 years of pushing he decided to go ask his father what was this crazy thing that he had asked him. He complained that he hadn´t had many friends, that he had lost many of the comforts of life and the king looked at him and said, just look at yourselt. That young boy had become strong, and was now ready to take on the world. He left that day knowing all would be ok. I know that life is really just like that. Heavenly Father gives us big challenges and as we over come them all is well. 

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