Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2, 2015

Ok so this week has been an emotional roller coaster!!! The mission is so hard and rewarding at the same time. But I have some awesome stories from this week!
Ok so first is the story of a man we will call Nacho. He cannot read and he talks in the craziest spanish ever!!! This week we visited him and schedueled a baptismal date, but that wasn`t the coolest part. During the lesson we were talking about prophets and I have a picture book with all of the prophets and stories in the scriptures. I handed him the book and he began filing through the pictures. He had heard these stories from the missionaries, but because he can`t read had never had the oppurtunity to read the scriptures. He filed through the pictures and I almost cryed! He got a chance to read his way the stories of jesus, and I explained to him what each picture was. It was amazing.
Also this week we have been visiting lots of families and a ton said they were coming to church! well...not really. That was really hard yesterday to see all of those people not come to church, but I`ll make it. 
The people here are so amazing and have such strong testimonies and they are just fantastic! I love them. It`s hard to watch them struggle through their poverty. Our area is in the poorest part of pacas mayo, the hills. It`s all sand and brick walls, many of the houses lack electricity in this area. We also have a wealthy area so the difference is interesting. These people are so humble and are just perfect! I think they are the best. Remember how blessed you are!
I know this gospel is true with all my heart and whenever we feel bad we can turn to the scriptures for peace. Personal study hour is the bomb! I feel the spirit so much. I love all of you guys! Anything I can do for yall?
Elder Wynn

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