Wednesday, September 16, 2015

First Official Letter!! September 16, 2015

Hola from LIMA PERU! That´s right I made it safe!
I´m here in the CCM and it´s been a long, but fun week. I said goodbye to my family last Tuesday and I´ve tried not to look back. If any of you guys are considering serving a mission do not quit on the first day. It is long and really hard, but everyday after has been a blessing and has gone be generally fast. After sayin goodbye I hopped on the plane and went to Georgia! We landed and had a total of thirty minutes to get on our next plane in the airport. It was crazy, but we made it! The flight to Lima was forever long, but we made it some how some way. I slept for about thirty minutes on the plane and spent the rest in complete and total silence. It was weird not being able to use the screen in front of me, but the flight passed. As I looked out of the plane window I noticed that we weren´t in Kansas anymore todo. We landed made it through customs without a word and then made it to a hall full of people yelling TAXI!!! A man came up to us and said Elders this way, in the most thick Hispanic accent I´d ever heard. After that and a two hour bus ride we made it to the CCM got there, unpacked and fell asleep at 4.
The next day we woke up at 7. Yup it was soon, but it was well...kinda worth it. We went through a whole bunch of orientations. I almost fell asleep during all of them, but the spirit was there and it was strong. At the end of the day we had a meeting with the WHITE branch. After some emails with the branch president I was named District Leader. Some of you are thinking fun, but no way! It´s hard... I was so tired. OH! and my companion is Elder Babbel! We are so excited and our dad´s are both pediatricians and so forth. Pretty much the same. He is going to SUU to run.
The CCM is all classes. As Hunter Riley states, Spiritual Prison, but it´s actually not that bad. The language is coming along and I am so ready to teach real people...maybe not ready, but excited. We have a mock investigator named Kathleen (Hermana Louisa) and things are going great. We have officially started teaching lessons without notes, a personal decision of elder babbel and I. Also during physical activity I have scored two goals, but who´s counting?
Some inspirations I´ve received from fellow missionaries and the spirit is. Your heart is where your mind is, You must lead with your desire and love, we are truly children of God, and Missionaries are representatives of Jesucristu and Dios.
Oh story time! While learning about body parts an enormous spider jumped on my back. One of the Elders saved me, but we lost the spider. Yup, and its butt was the size of a quarter... I´m so scared of them now.
One relationship that has really grown in the CCM is the one with Elder Hosch(HOASH). He´s about my size we both played left tackle, both are lovin it here, but he is leaving in one week! I know sad. He is amazing he´ll probably be a friend for a long time.
Oh another thing we have made three trips. One to Immigrations which is hard, but I knew just enough spanish to pass, two Interpol! It´s really awkward because you know like a little bit of Spanish, there´s a crucifix in the middle of the square and three CATS! They were so cute little kittens everywhere! Oh and today was P DAY! It was amazing I´ll be focused for another week and I can´t wait. On my goodness the Lima temple is beautiful on the inside! I loved. After we went and picked up some groceries for the week. It cost me five bucks! Well for INCACOLA and detergent and waffle things and hangers. Now our laundry is going and It´s such a fantastic time.
Oh and the advice to all missionaries is true! Make it to Sunday! I love you all and am excited to see your responses.
Any questions you want you may!
PS. They spelt one of my name tags wrong ELDER WYNNN. HAHA, I got it fixed and I´m so excited. I got a package from my family and I LOVE YOU GUYS. Thank you so much! Made P day even better. Hasta luego!

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