Monday, January 30, 2017


I don´t have a ton of time, but I love all of you so much and I want to tell you about the amazing week that we had!
First off Marco was baptized ;) It was so sweet. He sacrificed an hour of his work to be confirmed and he just wants to keep moving forward!! Also on the baptizing front we have RAUL! He´s an investigador that I´ve worked with for a while, but we decided to leave him for a few weeks. After coming back I could see a huge change in him and pretty soon we asked him what he thought about baptism. He looked at us and told us that he feels more ready now than he did before and that he wants to be baptized before carnaval. He picked the date 17 of febuary and has been to church twice since we´ve started teaching him again. 
Last week we had a random investigador in the chapel that we didn´t know. We went to talk to her and she said that it would be perfect to talk with us. So we had a lesson in the chapel and I began to ask her some of the baptizmal interview questions. As it turns out she has recieved all the lessons, she wants to be baptized and is ready now. She had an emergancy a week before her baptizm when she went to live out in Cajabamba. But now she´s back in Cajamarca and she truly wants to be baptized! It´s a miracle that dropped out of heaven.
Alejandro and his family are progressing a ton. They are having some problems coming to church because they live about 30 minutes away, but he is so excited and his family would love to see himj be baptized. He has two younger siblings that would also like to be baptized, but we need to help them read the book of mormon more, pray to know if Joseph Smith was a prophet, and come to chruch. But they are on track! ;) The whole family should be together soon!
Well today I just want to testify that our Savior loves us so much. We will go through a lot of trials in life, but I cah think of one big peice of advice my father gave me: Focus in the moment. If we are just too busy worring about the next change, or too far ahead in the future, we might miss the great things heavenly Father has in store for us today! Never forget to look around and see that blue sky, and everything that our father in heaven has given to you or made for you. He is a real person who loves us and wants the best for us always. We are never perfect, but that´s why Jesus Christ came so that we could become so! :) Don´t forget to pray for the missonaries in the whole world! I love you all so much and I hope you have a miraculous week! ;)

Monday, January 23, 2017

A Lover and a Fighter

Hello!!! :) How are you all doing? It´s been such an amazing week, Heavenly Father truly loves his children and is working everyday to help them. ;)
Marco! So the baptism will be for this saturday, he´s super excited and he really loves the gospel. We had a family night with him with the beatuiful family Ramos-Guevara. Everyone there bore their testimony and then marco bore his. He thanked us for the peace that had come into his life after we had been their and that he knew he could change his life. He´s had a really hard past, but it´s goinng behind him and he´s looking forward to a bright future. After one of the most amazing lessons that I´ve ever had he looked at Elder Espinoza and I and said,´I´ll fight the rest of my life to be with God and our Savior in the Celestial Kingdom. I´ll give it all I´ve got.' He is the greatest example to me of the come back hero. I can´t wait to see what will happen in his future.
Elder Espinoza is absolutly amazing. He loves the people and he´s truly working so hard. It´s been such an amazing week with him! :)
I know that on the path to salvation there are a lot of bumps and bruises. Everything is thrown at us to knock us off the straight and narrow path, but Christ has and always will lead the way! He wants us on the path, but it´s not free. It´s our duty to fight with all our heart might mind and strength so that we can enter and give everything to him who so dearly loves us. If we do all we can to get to the straight and narrow path our Savior will take us on his shoulders and carry us home. He loves us, and only asks us to follow him! And if you ever need him remember the simple steps we can all take to feel his precense! :)
I love you all so much. It´s amazing to hear from each of you this week and I hope you are all ok!!! Love you all! :)
Elder Wynn

Monday, January 16, 2017

Mighty Prayer

How are all of you? ;) It´s been a fantastic week with rain and the temprature below 30, but I´m loving the mission so much! We´ve had some amazing things happen and the people here in cajamarca are just so special.
One of them is maria dilas. She´s about 75 years old and she´s from the fields. She doesn´t know how to read, but she loves the promise of becoming clean from her sins and she is coming to church every week. It was such a huge miracle, because she goes to a little citty in the middle of nowhere to sell, but we talked to her about the sabath day and she´s kept it ever since. She has this huge smile always and she´s beaming with happiness and light. ;)
Marco is getting ready for his baptism this week and he´s feeling very peacful about his decision. he´s so amazing and he treats us like his brother. We also have a miracle with an investigador here that has been waiting to be bapitzed for 6 months. He could be totally ready this week and it would be a miracle, because I was with him when I started my time here in cajamarca. He is amazing too, always smiling and trying to do what´s right. Reading his Book of Mormon every day and becoming happier and more patient!
This week i´ve been thinking about our prayers. When I was training an amazing missionary I knew told me always about,´mighty prayer´(Elder Klossner). He gave me the greatest example of always praying and keeping that communication in his heart. This week I´ve realized how true the promise is ask and ye shall recieve. Our Father loves us so much and wants us to come closer to him and the fastest way I know is saying a mighty prayer. I love you all so much! And I hope you all have an amazing week!!!
Elder Wynn

Monday, January 9, 2017

The branch in Santa barbara

Hola!!! ,) Como vai!? Les amo mucho! :)
Love you all so much! It´s been such an amazing week. I´m learning a lot. 
Well to start it all off we invited Alejandro to be baptized the 28th of january and he accepted! He´s super excited and way happy. I think even better was the reaction of his mom. She just looked at him with tears in her eyes and couldn´t believe that her son was going to be baptized. She´s the only member of her family and her biggest goal is so that she can be together with her family forever. But it´s all starting to pay off. we found the family walking in a little village called santa barbara (15 min way from cajamarca). Marco is still really animated, and his brother Kevin (Amulek) bore his testimony of having his loved ones coming to the true church. It´s going to be an amazing month!
I´ve been thinking a lot this week about faith. It´s something that we all need to see miracles in our lives. But first we have to be humble an realize that God can do anything for his children if we are obedient! After that we start to gain our faith bit by bit. God is a God of miracles and he can do anything according to our faith. So just believe! 
Love you all so much! Have an amazing week!!!
Elder Wynn

Monday, January 2, 2017

New years!!!

And a happy new year!!!! ;) i hope you all had a fantastic new year, and that you could set some future goals. Our week was aamazing we could talk to marco and he decided he will be baptized the 21 January. We have some great goals and we will  be seeing some huge mirracles!!!!
Marcco is such a wonderfful man he is going throughh some big problems in life but really feels tha the church of jesus christ can help him  inn this life to over come all of thesee probllems. He´s at church every week and is just looking for thatt confirming in his  heart through  the spirit that the church iss true!! 
Elder Espinoza is so great!!!! :) He is teaching me a lot. We´re going to see a lot of success here in cajamarca. The people here are so amazing. Always remmber that Jesus Christ is our savior  and if  not for him, we couldn´t  do anything!!! Lovve all of you!!1
elder Wynn